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The readings for this Sunday include a very interesting story from Acts 8:26-40 about the disciple Philip meeting a man on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza who, among other questions, asks to be baptized. Sunday's message is Three Evangelical Questions based primarily on the story from Acts 8, though also Isaiah 53:1-12 and John 15:1-8. Please join us this Sunday!  

This Sunday morning we will also welcome and commission William Burr as a pastoral intern at Knox. Will is a student at St. Andrew's Hall in association with the Vancouver School of Theology, and part of the completion of his studies there is a 10-week internship placement in a local congregation.

For those joining the service on-line, the livestream begins @ 10:20 a.m HERE. Worship services are also archived on our YouTube Channel  (Knox Ottawa) and on our website (HERE). 

If attending worship in-person, Knox Health and Safety Practices can be found HERE