What does it take for a 176 year old church community to go online? It seems, a global pandemic.Like many other community minded people on Elgin, whether in the retail business, hospitality industry, or in the sphere of sharing a gospel message of peace, hope, joy, and love, we have all had to pivot and adapt to a new normal.Knox Church takes no exception to the rule that necessary change can also help move us forward. This has especially been true for us when it comes to worship and technology. If you've watched any of our worship services since the pandemic forced us to move toward online gatherings, you've probably noticed some significant changes. From the first recorded services on the Church Vestry to recordings from various locations in our facility, we've come a long way!With generous donations from people literally across the world who consider Knox their community, we have recently been able to set up state-of-the-art video recording equipment, allowing Knox to produce very good quality livestreamed services and archived recordings. Thank you to those who have contributed!And extra kudos to Ernest Ruppenthal for helping us navigate our way through all the new digital platforms we're growing to understand and appreciate. Though it's helping us broadcast worhip service and other events during the pandemic, we're well aware how much this can benefit Knox far beyond the present health crisis. Thanks also to Student Intern Aidan Elliot and former Intern Kyle Chalupka for taking on leadership roles with these efforts!So, we are learning the ropes of the digital worship service, while trying to remain authentic to who we are -simply folks from across the Canadian capital joining for worship at the corner of Lisgar and Elgin, and through modern technology welcoming more to join us virtually either close by or further afield! We're committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus, who usurped the world order of his day, turning it on its head, and causing people also then to pivot and say ‘what child is this?’
The Office Administrator is in the office: Mon 8:30 AM - 3 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays