Knox Church is governed primarily through a group of Elders called 'Session' for spiritual and faith related matters, and secondarily by what we call our 'Temporal Board' which manages our finances, facilities and other resources.
As a Presbyterian congregation, we are governed locally by our own Elders, though we have affiliations with our regional assembly called The Presbytery of Ottawa, and nationally through our denomination called the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
This part of our website highlights stories, personalities, and events related to governance, organization and affiliations of Knox Church. Click on any of the stories below...
Joan Coulter, Clerk of Session (Elders)
Thomas Burnie, Temporal Board Chair
Debbie Campbell & Jean Hage, Guild Convenors
To gain insight into our governance model and leadership structure, click HERE
To explore a bit more about the Presbytery of Ottawa and our denomination, click HERE