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Knox is pleased to welcome people back for Sunday Worship in our sanctuary!  This document outlines everything you need to know for keeping yourself and others safe and healthy!   For those unable to join us for various reasons related to the pandemic or otherwise, please know our worship service will continue to be available online.

GUIDELINES FOR ATTENDING: For all who hope to join us for worship in the sanctuary on Sunday morning, we want you to know that plans are in place to do so safely and in compliance with Ottawa Public Health directives.  Please review and be prepared to follow the guidelines below.   

OTHER CHANGES AFFECTING WORSHIP: Though we will make every effort to have a worshipful environment, our time together will be different than usual, including the following changes in order to help us be together safely:

  • Bulletin: There will be no Sunday Bulletin.   Any information about the worship service or other announcements will continue to be sent via email and published on our website.  If you find it helpful to have a copy of the Sunday liturgy, feel free to print one and take it with you.    
  • Congregational Singing:  Though we will not be singing together, we will incorporate musical elements to remind us of the joy of music in praising God.  
  • Sunday School: Until it is safe to do so, we will not have Sunday School for children or a nursery for infants.  In the meantime, there will be significant effort each week to keep our worship services child-friendly.   Families can be assured the length of our services will be shorter than usual for children and others! 
  • Coffee Hour: Though sipping a cup of coffee or tea (or even sampling some home-made baking) is something many people at Knox enjoy after worship, we’ll have to wait a bit longer for this social part of our Sunday experience.   
  • Offerings:   Instead of passing offering plates during worship, all donations will be received at the exit doors.   Online giving options also continue to be available.  


OTHER PRECAUTIONS WE HAVE TAKEN: Knox has a Contingency (Emergency) Committee which has been working diligently to help create a Sunday Worship environment where we will be able to meet safely and in compliance with direction from Ottawa Public Health.   To that end, in addition to the above-mentioned temporary changes and guidelines for worship, we also want you to know about the following practices: 

  • Sanitizing: Extra measures will be taken each week to ensure all areas in the sanctuary are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Limiting Touch Points: To decrease the amount of spaces people touch, all doors will be opened in advance for entry and exit from the sanctuary and building.   For your own safety and that of others, please minimize touching surfaces.     
  • Staff/Volunteers Screening: For everyone’s well being, Knox Staff and leadership will complete a self-assessment each Sunday morning.   Anyone exhibiting COVID19 symptoms will not be in attendance. 
  • Removal of Items: Hymnals, Bibles, pencils and welcome brochures have been removed from the pews.   If it helps to follow along with readings, consider taking your own Bible or use an app on your own device.