You may have heard from the news media discussions about the possibility of relaxing the isolation edict, and possibly re-starting the economy. The members of Knox’s contingency committee have heard that news, and have also heard the words of caution – we must move slowly, going step by step.
For the present, it seems likely that isolation and physical distancing will continue until the end of May. Pastor Jim will continue to have virtual worship services. After some difficulties with the technology, the next few services will be pre-recorded; it is his intent to have them uploaded to the Knox website and Facebook page by 11 AM each Sunday.
The take-out meal program continues to go well, and is also expected to continue through May. Donations continue to come in, helping to ensure its continuation. Decisions about further extension will be made as the situation evolves.
At Knox, we look forward to a return to normal, but we don’t want to be taken by surprise, as we were at the beginning of this pandemic. The contingency committee is therefore in the process of establishing priorities for resumption. Because we don’t know what government mandates or public health advice will be given, the committee will consider various scenarios and make plans for each.
The Office Administrator is in the office: Mon 8:30 AM - 3 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays