We want people of all ages to feel welcomed and a part of Knox!
A quiet room off the narthex at the back of the sanctuary, plus a nursery downstairs, are available for families with babies, toddlers and young children to use before, during and after worship services.
The room off the narthex includes a rocking chair, sink and toys for a variety of ages and interests. You can listen to the service through speakers in the narthex.
The nursery downstairs includes a rocking chair, cribs, table for changing, small table and chairs for children, and a variety of toys. Across the hall is a bathroom with toilet and sink. Wifi is available for you to follow the livestream of the service on your phone or other device. The nursery is staffed by volunteers who follow the Leading with Care policy of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
An accessible washroom is located in Geneva Hall, and can be reached by exiting the side door of the sanctuary.
Ask an usher at the entrance if you need help to find the quiet room, nursery or washrooms, or need any other assistance.
The Office Administrator is in the office: Mon 8:30 AM - 3 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays