Knox Sunday School provides a supportive and inclusive environment for children and youth to learn about God, explore their faith and build community with others. They leave the Sunday morning worship service after Children's Time for a short child-focused worship time followed by age-appropriate Bible-based lessons, activities and fun. They also plan and participate in other events at Knox, and with youth and leaders from other congregations.
Volunteer Opportunities:
● The Sunday School coordinator oversees the activities of the Sunday School, including recruiting and training teachers and helpers, communicating with families and the congregation about the Sunday School, and addressing any issues.
● Teachers use curriculum materials purchased by Knox as well as other resources to plan weekly activities. They receive training and ongoing support from the coordinator.
● Helpers are needed to assist with weekly sessions as well as other activities led by or for the children and youth of Knox throughout the year, which could include an art project, meal for the congregation, Christmas pageant, church picnic, or mission project.
● The Birthday card volunteer sends a birthday card and message to each child and youth of Knox each year. They are screened using references and an interview. Cards and stamps are provided.
Under the Presbyterian Church in Canada's Leading with Care policy, Sunday School teachers must be screened using references and an interview, and have a current police record check for working with a vulnerable population. For further information please contact
The Office Administrator is in the office: Mon 8:30 AM - 3 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays