Our Sunday Services are introduced with a short musical prelude just before 10:30 a.m., alerting all of us to find our seats, if we haven't already, and to begin focusing on worshiping God. The Weekly Bulletins distributed by our Ushers will include an Order of Service to follow along during Worship.
We enjoy singing hymns and contemporary worship songs at Knox. If you're not comfortable singing along, no problem; just enjoy the music! We do, however, have a choir, which leads all our singing on most Sundays - and they help to drown out any hiccups and out-of-tune notes from the rest of us!
We invite the congregation to stand for almost all our hymns and songs, so if you're able, please join others for the singing unless directed otherwise. We find our voices sound so much better when we stand, plus it keeps us from getting too comfortable in our solid oak pews!
Most of what we sing together can be found in our hymnal, The Book of Praise. There are copies of the hymnal in each church pew. The weekly bulletin includes page numbers of hymns to help find anything we sing together. On many Sundays, we will also use a contemporary hymn or song not found in the hymnal, and the words of these are printed on a coloured insert in the bulletin.
We often have at least three Bible readings during each Sunday Service. You're encouraged to follow along in the Bibles provided in each church pew. Some people bring their own Bible. One of the readings, usually a Psalm, is a Responsive Reading, where the congregation reads every other verse. We do use the New Revised Standard Version, and have two different editions at Knox. The Weekly Bulletin will indicate page numbers of every Bible Reading for each edition.
The Office Administrator is in the office: Mon 8:30 AM - 3 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays